
While MyPropetyPlan is being developed for a launch in the New Zealand property
market, the software has been developed for international expansion.

Our current rollout programme is as follows

  • New Zealand – early 2014
  • Australia – late 2014
  • Followed by Canada, USA, UK and South Africa as market forces allow.

We are offering a significant opportunity to individuals, or organizations, to own a
share in a potentially high profit online business that adds significant value to the
housing stock within the area covered.

While the terms of each partnership will be unique, the offer is generally as follows;

  • 50/50 Joint Venture (JV) in a national or state based territory
  • 50% Of the JV is to be owned by MyPropertyPlan or nominee
  • The size of each JV will depend on the size of the prospective market – based on country or state – and the capability of the JV Partner.
  • The JV Partner is required to have a comprehensive background in the construction industry – building or material supply.
  • The JV Partner must be competent in management and sales as they are required to actively work in the territory
  • The JV agrees to lease the website and software from MyPropertyPlan
  • The JV owns all data associated to the territory
  • MyPropertyPlan will contribute the Intellectual Property and the JV Partners investment is to be negotiated based on its own merits.

For more information about MyPropertyPlan please continue reviewing our site and
sign up to our mailing list for the occasional update.

To register your interest in this unique opportunity, please contact me directly

Andrew Burden
0064 21 833 797